Saturday, 30 November 2013

Sermons by Joel Osteen

Sermon: Having mountain moving faith

Expect great things from God
Attempt great things for God.

Sermon: being a magnet for blessings:

(blessings come through honoring God)

Friday, 15 November 2013

Bible study: unlocking the Bible

Bible study: Rev David Pawson, unlocking the Bible

For Bible reading, new believers can start with New Testament, from Matthew onwards. After completion of all books, one can read all books in both Old Testament and New Testament. After complete reading the Bible for the first time (maybe in 1 year's time), one can read each book from Old Testament and New Testament in an alternate way, e.g. book of Genesis followed by book of Matthew; book of Exodus followed by book of Mark.

Bible study is to know who God is, God’s perfect will, He promises to us, our identity in Christ & how God handles different situations.

Bible: New International Version:

Other alternatives: smart phone app store: New International Version or King James Version, Bahasa Version

Other smart phone app store: Bible daily verses/daily devotion

Our identity in Christ: Bible verses: